December 7, 2007

Comments (11)

  • Garsh… t’ think…

    they fit awl that inside my gosh darn little compooter.

    My only question is… where do i find the ‘any’ key?

  • looks good. though i think you’re missing a few pipes and/or clouds

    A few suggestions. DNS I think should be replicated a few times, which you’re doing already. You show it as being replicated and independent of the ISP, but its centrality to the central backbone is a bit lost. Also there’s the importance of internal dns as well (say for a corporate network).

    When you write ISP POP, is that pop mail or point of presence? If it’s pop mail I’d probably remove all references and just hand wave it as part of mail magic…if it’s ISP, I might make more instances of it and put it in front of the colocation center or a web server. Even google pays a bill to some sort of ISP…it just might happen to be some higher up company with really fat pipes directly piped to the major routers out there.

  • You should at least put in, someone else’s computer, at someone else’s house.
    That way people can understand how, say the direct connections (Voice, messaging, gaming, or mail)
    The diagram might indicate that the only thing which people connect to are websites or itunes.

  • I agree that the DNS relation to backbone networks is not shown well — I’m not sure how to draw that better. There is no more “one central backbone” but many independent backbones which serve the same function. I’m sure they all have their own DNS servers and networks also.

    POP, ISP POP, and ISP Point of Presence all mean the same thing in my diagram. The Colocation center contains POP’s as well as many other elements. It’s true that I should add a POP between the Web server and the IXP — there probably aren’t any servers that connect directly that way.

    Other people’s computers are assumed to be connected to the “home routers” linked off the ISP Point of Presence.

    Thanks for the comments!

  • al gore deserves another nobel

  • It turns out Al Gore never claimed to “invent the internet” but the media portrayed it that way (with some Republican nudging). Gore said, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

    Which is credible, since he did push legislation to enable and make public various backbone resources. Specifically, “In the late 1980s, Gore introduced the Gore Bill, which was later passed as the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. The bill was one of the most important pieces of legislation directly affecting the expansion of the Internet.”

    References here: ,

  • And, of course, my two cents: where are all the free downloadable porn stored? >;^P

  • Actually once of the network questions I’ve always wondered was about how to configure a Cisco switch or router. Like, what are the steps needed, and what are the advantages of binary ladder type DAC over weighted resistance type DAC?

  • that’s so awesome! if you don’t mind i’m going to reference this on my site.

  • Please feel free. Notice that I put my little “authored by” note in the lower right corner already.

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